St. Paul’s Early Childhood Ministry is blessed to partner with families, to provide an early foundation of Christian education.  St. Paul’s Early Childhood Ministry nurtures children in the same way Jesus modeled for us in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Our Early Childhood Philosophy

St. Paul’s Early Childhood Ministry provides a safe and nurturing Christ-centered environment where children can develop to their fullest potential physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and spiritually.

We Believe:

  • Each child is a gift from God.
  • Each child needs a Christ-centered place to grow and learn where his or her individual needs can be nurtured through experimentation and exploration.
  • God created young children who are capable and competent.
  • Development occurs in predictable patterns.
  • Children are individuals who develop at different rates.
  • Many factors influence a child’s development.
  • Children exhibit a range of skills and competencies within any domain of development.
  • Expectations for children must be guided by knowledge of children’s growth and development.
  • Young children learn through play, interaction with others, and active exploration of their environment.
  • Families are children’s first and most important caregivers and educators.

Early Childhood Classes

Our Early Childhood Threes / Little Bears is offered Monday through Friday mornings from 8:30 – 12:00. We offer an enrichment program from 12 – 3. Parents have the option of picking up their child at 12 or 3. Students must be three by August 1st.

Our Pre-Kindergarten Class is offered Monday through Friday mornings from 8:30 – 12:00. We offer an enrichment program from 12 – 3. Parents have the option of picking up their child at 12 or 3. Students must by four by August 1st.

Early Childhood Staff

Ms. Christy Bobay, Director and Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

Mrs. Kari Nolan, Little Bears Teacher