We believe in partnering with parents in your child’s education process. We are glad your family is considering joining us at St. Paul’s!

St. Paul graduates have been recognized as excellent scholars at Concordia Lutheran High School and other area high schools.

At St. Paul’s, we hold our students to a high standard of learning, while also working to challenge each student at his / her individual level.

Regardless of the “mode” of learning, our school’s specific curriculum is developed through constant review and revision of the learning goals for our students alongside current academic standards.  Our curriculum is shaped by the professional development experiences of our teachers, as they share current methodologies of instruction with the rest of the faculty.

Textbooks used: 

  • Religion / Memory – ESV Bible, the NIV Catechism, and Lutheran Service Book
  • Reading – Reading Street, Open Court, Prentice Hall, Balanced Literacy Approach
  • English – Shurley English (K-6) College Prep Eng/Writing (7-8)
  • Math – Houghton Mifflin (K-5), Prentice Hall (6-8) and / or Common Core curriculum resources utilizing I-PAD technology
  • Science – Prentice Hall (3-8) and Scott Foresman (K-2)
  • Social Studies – Prentice Hall, Scott Foresman

Other curricular resources include:

  • Junior Achievement
  • Outdoor Education (5-6 and 7-8)
  • YMCA Swimming (1 swimming lesson per week over a 6 week period for grades 1-8)
  • Downtown Library (5-8 plan regular visits for reading/research)
  • Performing Arts Center (downtown)
  • Fort Wayne History Museum (downtown)
  • Embassy Theater (downtown)
  • African American History Museum (downtown)
  • The Ballpark (Tin Caps downtown)
  • Convention Center (downtown)
  • Allen County Courthouse (downtown)
  • Variety of other downtown businesses / centers with whom we have a partnership
  • Out-of-town field trips, including Washington D.C., Indianapolis, Cincinnati (OH), Toledo (OH), Chicago (IL), other (depending on grade level and teacher planning).

A Note on Technology and our Curriculum

While St. Paul’s actively seeks understanding of current technological trends, and embraces the use of technology by teachers and students to deepen the learning experience, we view technology as a means to an end as opposed to an actual curricular goal.  Upon graduation, our students will be proficient in using Microsoft applications as well as various online presentation and research tools.  Our emphasis is on teaching students to use the technology for deeper reading / research, taking a position and writing arguments on the research, then orally presenting their findings to peers / audience. 

Worship Connected with the School Experience

All children are expected to take part in the religious instruction and devotions of the school, which are rooted in Lutheran doctrine and practice. Students are expected to participate in weekly worship opportunities, either at St. Paul’s, or at their home congregation. Church and Sunday School attendance will be recorded each Monday morning and displayed on the quarterly report card. We believe that attending church offers many gifts to those who participate in worship (i.e. grace, forgiveness, peace, …).  We also believe there is a strong connection between being actively involved the church (Spirit-led involvement as opposed to “out of obligation”), and having a strong, beneficial academic experience in the school.